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1 | How to get the active station and folder name: MsgBox "Active station and folder name: " & CurDir How to change the active station: ChDrive "F" ' changes to the F-station How to change the active folder: ChDir "F:\My Documents\Private" How to determine if a file exists in a folder: If Dir("F:\My Documents\My Workbook.xls") <> "" Then ' the file exists, returns "" (empty string) if the file doesn't exist. How to delete a file : Kill "F:\My Documents\My Workbook.xls" If you don't specify the station, Excel uses the active station. If you don't specify the folder, Excel uses the active folder. How to create a new folder: MkDir "NewPrivateFolder" ' creates a new folder in the active folder MkDir "F:\My Documents\NewPrivateFolder" ' creates a new folder in the existing folder F:\My Documents How to delete a folder (folder must be empty): RmDir "NewPrivateFolder" ' deletes the subfolder NewPrivateFolder in the active folder RmDir "F:\My Documents\NewPrivateFolder" ' deletes the subfolder NewPrivateFolder in the folder F:\My Documents How to copy a file (the file must be closed): FileCopy "OrgWorkBook.xls", "CopyWorkBook.xls" ' copies OrgWorkBook.xls to CopyWorkBook.xls in the active folder FileCopy "OrgWorkBook.xls", "F:\My Documents\CopyWorkBook.xls" ' copies OrgWorkBook.xls from the active folder to F:\My Documents\CopyWorkBook.xls How to move a file (the file must be closed): OldFilePath = "C:\OldFolder\Filename.xls" ' original file location NewFilePath = "C:\NewFolder\Filename.xls" ' new file location Name OldFilePath As NewFilePath ' move the file | |
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Kegunaannya adalah kita dapat mengcopy file apapun atau backup, hapus hanya dengan membuka atau menjalankan macro dari excel atau membuat tombol di file excel untuk menjalankan proses copy file
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